Moonstone - Not everything needs to be grimdark!

Moonstone - Not everything needs to be grimdark!

Moonstone fantasy skirmish game – Set in the mystical land of Tauber, where goblins, faeries, and wizards battle for rare moonstones under pearlescent moons.

"Moonstone takes place in the land of Tauber, a mythical isle of  fantasy and fairytale where humans, goblins, faeries, gnomes, giants, fauns, trolls, merfolk and more, all thrive under the golden sun and pearlescent moons.

These days, Tauber is both turbulent but also relatively peaceful; there is little to no war, and most disagreements are seen as nothing more than squabbles or differences of opinion.

However, when the moons shine bright on a clear night the moonstones appear.

Sprouting out of the ground like so many crystalline toadstools, moonstones are both mysterious and valuable. The Wizards at the Tower of Grommel offer a fine sum of gold for any moonstones that are brought to them intact. The trouble, however, as soon as the light of the blazing sun touches them, moonstones will disappear as if nothing more than dust.

Still, the leaders of both Commonwealth and Dominion send forth their warriors, magicians and rogues to secure the moonstones to sell to the mysterious Wizards. The Leshavult seek stones for money, but also for their own arcane reasons. Shades, once thought lost to the ages, are skulking in abandoned cities and many fear that the time of peace, prosperity and unlimited teacakes is coming to an end…"


QP3D Wargames terrain for Moonstone – Bring the fairytale world to life with high-quality 3D-printed terrain, ideal for building immersive battlefields.

This game is something new, something fresh, something different! In the world of the grim darkness, where there is only war, this game brings a splash of colour and good humour. The game is based in the imaginary world of Tauber, full of mystical creatures and beautiful landscapes. This skirmish game has really unique game mechanics that are based almost only on cards. Yes, you heard me well! There are no dice in the game (maybe besides moonstone tokens). This makes the gameplay feel like reading a fairytale story full of action and many unpredictable turning points. As always, QP3D Wargames has everything you need to build your unique, breathtaking fairytale board!


Magical landscapes & miniatures – Explore the enchanting world of Moonstone with breathtaking terrains and scenery, perfect for your tabletop adventures.


Discover Our Moonstone Terrain

We offer a wide range of terrain pieces to create an colourful imaginary world:

Unique dice-free mechanics – Moonstone offers an innovative card-based gameplay system, creating an immersive fairytale experience full of action and surprises.
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