"Trench Crusade is a tabletop wargame set in a blasphemously alternate WW1 era created by artist Mike Franchina (Diablo 2r/3/4, Path of Exile 2, Magic: The Gathering) with rules by acclaimed game designer Tuomas Pirinen (Mordheim, Warhammer 6th edition) and brought to life by James Sherriff (28 mag, Ian Miller's Grim Tarock) and some of the greatest creative talents in wargaming. Players take command of the forces of heaven and hell, leading skirmish size warbands in daring assaults and devious counter operations on the fringes of the meat grinder that is the frontline."
Source: Official Trench Crusade Kickstarter

QP3D Wargames is always trying to satisfy our customer needs. We have not been blind to the new Warhammer 40K Grim Dark competitor. We have a large variety of products that can be easily used in this system. To name just a few of them: historical buildings and their ruined versions, a new modular trench system, buildings with "The Sultanate" vibe, and lots of different scatter terrain options that will help you to build your own unique no man's land gaming board. As a printing company we are also providing a 3D printing service. This may help you to print all of your extra bits as well as miniatures to fulfil your Grimm Dark experience. Please see the below links that will help you to navigate to the right item or service.
- 3D Printing Service
- Buildings WWI vibe
- Buildings
- Scatter Terrain
- Trees and Rocks
- Medieval
- Trench System

Useful links: